

发布时间:2021年08月16日 11:40 浏览:


The 12th International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP’21)




会议简称:PAAP 2021









继成功在合肥举办PAAP'08、南宁PAAP'09、大连PAAP'10、天津PAAP'11、台北PAAP'12、北京PAAP'14、南京PAAP'15、海口PAAP'17、台湾PAAP'18、深圳PAAP'19,第12届并行结构、算法与程序设计国际会议(PAAP'21)将于20211210-12日在中国西安举行。PAAP 2021将为学术界和工业界的科学家和工程师提供一个论坛,展示他们在并行结构、算法与程序设计各方面的研究成果和开发活动。我们真诚地希望参会者能从本次会议中学习到渐进式方法的基础理论、实用的实验数据、新的商业模式以及最新的学术趋势。本届PAAP将由金沙集团官网主办。


一.  组委会

荣誉主席(Honorary Chair

Guoliang Chen, Nanjing Univ of Posts & Telecom, China


大会主席(General Chairs

Yintang Yang, Xidian University, China

Hong Shen, Sun Yat-Sen University, China


组织主席(Organizing Chairs

Huaxi Gu, Xidian University, China

Jianfeng Zhan, Institute of Computing Technology (ICT), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China


程序主席(Program Chairs

Zhetao Li, Xiangtan University, China

Zhibo Wang, Zhejiang University, China

Yi Wang, Shenzhen University, China


本地会务主席(Local Arrangement Chairs

Gang Shi, Xidian University, China

Xiaoshan Yu,Xidian University, China


宣传主席(Publicity Chairs

Shu Fu, Chongqing University, China

Jing Zhang, Xi'an University of Science and Technology, China


出版主席(Publication Chair

En Shao, The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


研讨会/指导讲座主席(Workshop & Tutorial Chairs

Ruiting Zhou, Wuhan University, China

Xiaohang Wang, The South China University of Technology, China


程序委员会(Program Committee

Zhanmao Cao, South China Normal University, China

Yaodong Cheng, Inst. of High Energy Phys, CAS, China

Guoliang Chen, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Yawen Chen, Otago University, New Zealand

Teofilio Gonzalez, UC Santa Barbara, USA

Haibin Guan, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

Longkun Guo, Fuzhou University, China

Shi-JinHorng, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, China

Ziyi Huang, Otago University, New Zealand

Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Kenli Li, Hunan University, China

Keqiu Li, Tianjin University, China

Yamin Li, Hosei University, Japan

Weifa Liang, Australian National University, Australia

Zhongzhi Luan, Beihang University, China

Rui Mao, Shenzhen University, China

Jigang Wu, Guangdong University of Technology, China

Depei Qian, Sun Yat-sen University/Beihang University, China

Yingpeng Sang, Sun Yat-Sen University, China

Hui Tian, Griffith University, Australia

Di Wu, Sun Yat-Sen University, China

Nong Xiao, Sun Yat-sen University/Beihang University, China

Haibo Zhang, Otago University, New Zealand

Yunquan Zhang, Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, China

Cheng Zhong, Guangxi University, China

Yongfeng Dong, Hebei University of Technology, China

Yang Ming, Chang'an University, China

XinhongHei, Xi'an University of Technology, China

Yanping Chen, Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications, China

Xuehong Sun, Ningxia University, China

Jianhui Yue, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan

Quan Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Leonel Sousa, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Therese M. Smith,Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, USA


二.  特邀报告专家


李葆春于1995年在清华大学计算机科学与技术系获得学士学位,1997年和2000年在伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校计算机科学系获得硕士和博士学位。自2000年起,他一直在多伦多大学电气和计算机工程系工作,目前是该系教授。自20058月起,他任职Bell Canada Endowed Chair。他的研究兴趣包括云计算、分布式系统、数据中心网络和无线系统。

李博士与人合作发表了360多篇研究论文,总被引用次数超过17000次,根据Google学术引文,H-index75次,i10-index233次。2000年,他获得IEEE通信协会Leonard G. Abraham通信系统领域奖。他是2009年度IEEE通信协会Multimedia Communications Best Paper Award的获得者,也是多伦多大学McLean Award的获得者。李博士同时也是ACMIEEE的会士。



三.  征稿主题


      Multi/many-core architectures

      Interconnection networks

      Cluster, grid and cloud computing systems

      Network-on-chip architectures

      Survivable and safety-critical systems

      Ubiquitous computing systems

      Sensor, wireless and RFID systems

      Reconfigurable architectures

      Self-healing, self-protecting network systems


      Combinatorial and graph algorithms

      Numeric algorithms

      Task mapping and job scheduling

      Parallel/distributed databases and knowledge discovery

      High-performance scientific computing

      Resource allocation and management

      Power-aware Computing

      Secure distributed computing

      Network routing and traffic control

Parallel Programming:

      Multi/many-core programming

      Parallel programming theory and models

      Formal methods and verification

      Middleware for parallel systems

      Parallel programming languages

      Parallel compilers and runtime systems

      Performance analysis, debugging and optimization

      Parallel libraries and application frameworks

High Performance Systems:

      Operating systems for parallel/distributed systems

      High-performance computer arithmetic

      Memory hierarchy and caching

      Performance tuning, optimization and profiling

      Human-computer interaction in parallel/distributed systems

      Photonic and quantum computing

      Media computing in parallel/distributed systems

      Software engineering for parallel/distributed system

Privacy and Security:

      Cloud security

      Data privacy protection


      Intrusion detection

      Copyright protection

      Access control

      Data provenance

      Trusted computing

Big Data Processing and Deep Learning:

      Mass data stream processing in clouds

      Big data models and computation theory

      Big data mining and fusion

      Dimension reduction for large data sets

      Big data placement, scheduling and optimization

      Multi-source data processing and integration

      Deep learning models

      Deep learning applications


四.  会议出版

所有投稿论文将由程序委员会严格审核,录用论文将收录至 PAAP2021会议论文集,通过审阅后进入IEEE Xplore, 并提交EI-Compendex, Scopus 等检索机构检索。

※优选论文的扩写版本将推荐给多个 SCI 索引的国际期刊的特刊(专刊),包括:

1. Journal of Supercomputing

2. Concurrency and Computation

3. Computers and Electrical Engineering

4. Computer Science and Information Systems

5. Journal of Computer Science and Technology


五.  重要日期





六.  论文投稿指南




七.  联系我们




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